Что такое аромапсихология?

Это одно из направлений в психологии, изучает влияние эфирных масел на подсознание и сознание человека, и позволяет с помощью эфирных масел освобождаться от негативных блоков на уровне подсознания.
Используя ресурсный аромат созданный после ароматестирования, происходит трансформация ограничивающих убеждений и выход на новый качественный уровень развития и жизни.

Цель аромапсихологии

  • помочь освободиться от подсознательных блоков
  • психосоматическое и физическое здоровье
  • прийти к целостности
  • развитие тонких тел
  • выйти на другой качественный уровень жизни
  • познать себя
  • управлять эмоциями
  • научиться чувствовать
  • зазвучать в этот мир
Аромапсихология – это о встрече с собой, подсознательными блоками, эмоциями, чувствами, мотивами действий, качествами характера, о дополнительном ресурсе и трансформации себя через ароматы.
Для кого курсы по аромапсихологии
Для тех, кто любит эфирные масла, психологию, коучинг, самопознание, эзотерику, астрологию, нумерологию, ароматерапию, медитации, саморазвитие, трансформации, глубину.
Для психологов, коучей, тренеров, массажистов, косметологов и всех, кто работает с людьми.
это возможность расширить свой спектр предоставляемых услуг

возможность помочь в достижении намеченного результата Вашим клиентам в максимально короткие сроки
возможность получить новую женскую профессию
возможность помочь себе и близким


Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."
Front matter, or preliminaries, is the first section of a book and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. Each page is counted, but no folio or page number is expressed or printed, on either display pages or blank pages.
Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."
Front matter, or preliminaries, is the first section of a book and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. Each page is counted, but no folio or page number is expressed or printed, on either display pages or blank pages.
Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."
Front matter, or preliminaries, is the first section of a book and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. Each page is counted, but no folio or page number is expressed or printed, on either display pages or blank pages.


Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."
Front matter, or preliminaries, is the first section of a book and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. Each page is counted, but no folio or page number is expressed or printed, on either display pages or blank pages.

Индивидуальные духи

Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."

Индивидуальные духи

Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."

Индивидуальные духи

Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."

Индивидуальные духи

Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."